Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students: The Essential ...
Brent J. Lewis & E. Nihan Onder & Andrew A. Prudil
RESTful Web APIs
Mike Amundsen & Leonard Richardson & Michael Amundsen & Sam Ruby
Online papers on consciousness
David John Chalmers
DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux Server Best Practices
Kyle Rankin
Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood
Jean Piaget
Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
Margaret Bunson
The Facts on File Guide to Style
Martin H. Manser & Stephen Curtis
The Truth About Environmental Hazards
John V. Perritano
Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Africa and the Middle East
Facts On File, Incorporated
The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
Rosemary Guiley
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology
Harry Henderson
Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Constance Jones & James D. Ryan
Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes
Carl Waldman
Encyclopedia of Political Thought
Garrett Ward Sheldon