ASP.NET Core 5 and React - Second Edition: Full-Stack Web Development ...
Carl Rippon
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression
Amity Shlaes
Positive Christianity
Raymond Smith
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
Douglas Murray
An Integral Theory of Consciousness - Overview
Kenneth E. Wilber
Nachhaltige Nicht-Nachhaltigk[..] Warum Die ökologische Transformation ...
Ingolfur Blühdorn & Felix Butzlaff & Michael Deflorian & Daniel Hausknost & Mirijam Mock
Die Gesellschaft der Nachhaltigkeit: Umrisse eines Forschungsprogramms
Sighard Neckel & Natalia Besedovsky & Moritz Boddenberg & Martina Hasenfratz & Sarah Miriam Pritz & Timo Wiegand