Complex Algebraic Foliations
Alcides Lins Neto & Bruno Scárdua
Encyclopedia of World Cultures (Encyclopedia of World Cultures ...
David Levinson
Combinators: A Centennial View
Stephen Wolfram
Kazhdan-Lusztig-B[..] unzerlegbare Bimoduln und die Topologie ...
Martin Härterich
Dream Interpretation Ancient and Modern: Notes From the Seminar ...
Ernst Falzeder & C. G. Jung & John Peck & Lorenz Jung & Maria Meyer-Grass & Tony Woolfson
Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages
Christopher Moseley
A Unification of Morphology and Syntax: Investigations Into ...
Maria Rita Manzini & Leonardo Maria Savoia
Engineering Mathematics
John Bird
Medieval Philosophy: An Introduction
John Marenbon
Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts
Robert Lawrence Trask
Language Testing and Assessment: An Advanced Resource Book
Glenn Fulcher & Fred Davidson
Leibniz's Final System: Monads, Matter and Animals
Glenn A. Hartz
Dutch: An Essential Grammar
William Z. Shetter & Esther Ham
Arabic: An Essential Grammar
Faruk Abu-Chacra & Fārūq Abū Shaqrā
German: An Essential Grammar
Bruce C. Donaldson
Intermediate Spanish: A Grammar and Workbook
Irene Wilkie & Carmen Arnaiz
Knowledge in Context: Representations, Community and Culture
Sandra Jovchelovitch
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Rorty and the Mirror of Nature
James Tartaglia
The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, ...
Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito
Chinese Military Strategy in the Third Indochina War: The Last ...
Edward C. O'Dowd
The Descent of Madness: Evolutionary Origins of Psychosis and ...
Jonathan Burns
Language and Globalization
Norman Fairclough
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
Pasquale Frascolla
The Linguistics of Laughter: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Laughter-Talk
Alan Partington
Encyclopedia of the Antarctic
Beau Riffenburgh