Exit Plan: The Writings of Mass Shooters
Brian Whitney & Seung Cho & Dylann Roof & John Hinckley, Jr. & Adam Lanza & Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold & George Sodini & Jiverly Wong & Elliot Rodger & Marc Lepine
Evolutionary Explanations of Human Behaviour
John Cartwright
Aaron Swartz's the Programmable Web: An Unfinished Work
Aaron Swartz
Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
Michael Lewis
Explainable Edge AI: A Futuristic Computing Perspective
Aboul Ella Hassanien & Deepak Gupta & Anuj Kumar Singh & Ankit Garg
Studies in Computational Intelligence (1072)
Keys to Sacred Science: Geometry and Numerology in Islam
Suleiman Sami Joukhadar