Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770
Immanuel Kant
Tame Topology and O-Minimal Structures
Lou P. D. van Den Dries
The Invisible God: The Earliest Christians on Art
Paul Corby Finney
Philip K. Dick and Philosophy: Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits?
D. E. Wittkower
Natural Language at the Computer: Scientific Symposium on Syntax ...
Scientific Symposium On Syntax & Semantics For Text Processing & Man Machine Communication (1988, Heidelberg)
Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentary
Richard D. McKirahan
Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
John M. Dillon & Lloyd P. Gerson
Meditations on First Philosophy: In Which the Existence of God ...
René Descartes
Introduction to the Philosophy of History: with Selections From ...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
A Letter Concerning Toleration
John Locke
Second Treatise of Government
John Locke & Crawford Brough Macpherson
Possible Worlds: An Introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy
Raymond Bradley & Norman Swartz