The Psychology of C.G. Jung in the Works of Hermann Hesse - ...
Emanuel Maier
New Waves in Philosophy of Language
Sarah Sawyer
Shakespeare’s Influence on Karl Marx; The Shakespearean Roots ...
Christian A. Smith
The Secret Adam: A Study of Nasoraean Gnosis
Ethel Stefana Drower
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
Michael Rosemann & Juan Garbajosa & Xiaofeng Wang & Ademar Aguiar & John Mylopoulos & Michael J. Shaw & Clemens Szyperski & Wil M. P. van der Aalst
The Life of Saint Antony
Athanasius (alexandrinus) & Saint Athanasius (patriarch Of Alexandria) & Saint Anthony (of Egypt) & Walter J. Burghardt & Thomas Comerford Lawler
Encounters With Silence
Karl Rahner