Core Python Programming
Wesley J. Chun
An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis
Charles Brenner
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive and Affective Development - 3rd ...
Barry J. Wadsworth
Computer Graphics
Nobuhiko Mukai
Philosophy of Habermas
Andrew Edgar
Cross-Linguistic Influences in Multilingual Language Acquisition
Danuta Gabrys-Barker
Luciano Floridi’s Philosophy of Technology: Critical Reflections
Hilmi Demir
Teaching and Learning of Knot Theory in School Mathematics
Akio Kawauchi & Tomoko Yanagimoto
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: with Mathematica®
Jonathan M. Borwein & Matthew P. Skerritt
Value Stream Design: The Way Towards a Lean Factory
Klaus Erlach
The Knowledge Economy and Lifelong Learning: A Critical Reader
D. W. Livingstone & David Guile
Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei
Paul Goldin
Inference on the Low Level: An Investigation Into Deduction, ...
Hannes Leitgeb
A Textbook of Belief Dynamics: Solutions to Exercises
Sven Ove Hansson
Knowledge and the Known: Historical Perspectives in Epistemology
Jaakko Hintikka
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language and Knowledge-Based ...
Martin C. Golumbic
Cognitive Science and Genetic Epistemology: A Case Study of ...
David Leiser & Christiane Gillièron
Analysis and Geometry on Complex Homogeneous Domains
Jacques Faraut & Soji Kaneyuki & Adam Koranyi & Qi-Keng Lu & Guy Roos
Philosophy and Grammar: Papers on the Occasion of the Quincentennial ...
S. Kanger & Sven Öhman
Philosophy of Language
F. von Kutschera
Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
Oge Marques & Borko Furht
Kac-Moody Groups, Their Flag Varieties and Representation Theory
Shrawan Kumar
A Course in Mathematical Physics 1 and 2: Classical Dynamical ...
Walter Thirring
Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics
Eberhard Zeidler
Dictionary of Food and Ingredients
Robert S. Igoe