Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: Bibliography, Indexes
Tʻamaz Gamqreliże & Thomas V. Gamkrelidze & Вячеслав Всеволодович Иванов & Vjaeslav V. Ivanov
Head First iPhone Development
Dan Pilone & Tracey Pilone
Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic ...
Giannis Stamatellos
The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History
Touraj Daryaee
Oxford Handbooks (1)
Volume 3: The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease
Carl Gustav Jung
Proclus: Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Science
Lucas Siorvanes
Statistics for Corpus Linguistics
Michael P. Oakes
The Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy
Simon Glendinning
Gender and Language: Towards a Feminist Pragmatics
Christine Christie
Language Contact: An Introduction
Sarah G. Thomason
An Introduction to Old English
Richard M. Hogg
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure
Andrew Carstairs-Mccarthy
Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching
Ian McGrath
Introducing Linguistic Morphology
Laurie Bauer
The Paul Virilio Reader
Paul Virilio
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy
John Protevi
An Introduction to Early Modern English
Terttu Nevalainen
A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics
D. A. Cruse
British Propaganda and News Media in the Cold War
John Jenks
A Glossary of English Grammar
Geoffrey N. Leech
The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus
Antonie Vos
Alan Cruse
Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics
Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction
Vyvyan Evans & Melanie Green
A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics
Paul Baker & Andrew Hardie & Tony McEnery