The Semantics of Chinese Classifiers and Linguistic Relativity
Song Jiang
The Fairplay Book of Shipping Abbreviations: Acronyms & Abbreviations ...
Peter Kapoor
The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias
Dolly Chugh
Microservices: From Design to Deployment
Chris Richardson & Floyd Smith
The Joyous Cosmology
Alan W. Watts
Tales of the Early Franks: Episodes From Merovingian History
Augustin Thierry
A Grammar and Dictionary of the Timucua Language
Julian Granberry
The American Counterfeit: Authenticity and Identity in American ...
Mary McAleer Balkun
Elements of German: Phonology and Morphology
Elmer H. Antonsen
Miles of Stare: Transcendentalism and the Problem of Literary ...
Michelle Kohler