Papers of Nikola Tesla (EFOIA) - FBI Files - Set 1
Nikola Tesla
Great books of the Western World - Volume 42
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Gesammelte Werke - Band II - Astrnomie Pars Optica
Johannes Kepler & Franz Hammer
Praxishandbuch Produktmanagement: Grundlagen und Instrumente
Matys, Erwin
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Mathematical Society Of Japan & Nihon Sūgakkai
On Aggression
Konrad Lorenz & Julian Huxley
The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology
Miranda Fricker & Peter J. Graham & David Henderson & Jeremy Wyatt & Nikolaj Pedersen
Trust in Epistemology
Katherine Dormandy
What Is Scientific Knowledge?; An Introduction to Contemporary ...
Kevin McCain & Kostas Kampourakis
Hume's Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction
Georges Dicker
Good Thinking: A Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology
Christoph Kelp
From the Socratics to the Socratic Schools: Classical Ethics, ...
Ugo Zilioli
Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide
Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge ...
Robert Audi
The Growth of Logical Thinking From Childhood to Adolescence: ...
Jean Piaget & Bärbel Inhelder
Child's Conception of Geometry
Piaget, Jean & Inhelder, Barbel & Szeminska, Alina
The Moral Judgment of the Child
Piaget, Jean
The Psychology of Intelligence
Jean Piaget
Neo-Piagetian Theories of Cognitive Development: Implications ...
Andreas Demetriou & Anastasia Efklides & Dr Michael Shayer & Michael Shayer
Piaget, Vygotsky and Beyond: Future Issues for Developmental ...
Leslie Smith & Julie Dockrell & Peter Tomlinson
The Child's Conception of Physical Causality
In Defense of Decadent Europe
Raymond Aron & Alan Rosenthal
The Opium of the Intellectuals
Raymond Aron