Yup’ik Eskimo dictionary
Steven A. Jacobson
La interpretación de la naturaleza y la psique: la sincronicidad ...
Carl Gustav Jung
Spy Wars: Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games
Tennent H. Bagley
The Red-headed league
Arthur Conan Doyle
Theory of Language Syntax: Categorial Approach
U. Wybraniec-Skardowska
Data Analysis using Regression and Multilevel/Hierar[..] Models
Andrew Gelman & Jennifer Hill
Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences: A ...
Phil Gregory
An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®
Paul R. Wellin & Richard J. Gaylord & Samuel N. Kamin
The Student's Introduction to Mathematica® and the Wolfram Language ...
Bruce F. Torrence & Eve A. Torrence
The Student's Introduction to Mathematica® - A Handbook for ...
Programming with Mathematica®: An Introduction
Paul Wellin
A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Volume 3, Complex Analysis, ...
D. J. H. Garling
A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Volume 2, Foundations and ...
A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Volume 1, Foundations and ...
3D Computer Graphics: A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL
Sam Buss & Samuel R. Buss
The English Noun Phrase: The Nature of Linguistic Categorization
Evelien Keizer
The English Language: A Historical Introduction
Charles Laurence Barber & Joan C. Beal & Philip A. Shaw
The Cambridge Introduction to Ezra Pound
Ira B. Nadel
The Bellman Function Technique in Harmonic Analysis
Vasily I. Vasyunin & Alexander Volberg
The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives
Richard K. Larson & Viviane Déprez & Hiroko Yamakido
The Art of Mathematics: Coffee Time in Memphis
Béla Bollobás
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python
Jaan Kiusalaas
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3
Python Programming for Biology
Tim J. Stevens & Wayne Boucher