30-Second Astronomy: The 50 Most Mindblowing Discoveries in ...
François Fressin
GraphQL - A Revolucionária linguagem de consulta e manipulacao ...
The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon
Anthony Summers
FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets: How Lies Are Making ...
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Dictionary of American History - Third Edition - Volume 3
Stanley I. Kutler
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century
J. L. Price
The Truth About Men
Ian K. Smith, M.D.
Lying Evolutionary Art
David Cloud
Revolutionary Dissent: How the Founding Generation Created the ...
Stephen D. Solomon
Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind
Tim Groseclose
The Ten Things You Can't Say in America
Larry Elder
The Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov: Towards a Reassessment
Jonathan Sutton
Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook
Nikolas Coupland & Adam Jaworski
The Future of War
George Friedman & Meredith Friedman
Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence Inside ...
Gordon Thomas
A Hindu Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion
Arvind Sharma
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus ...
Donald Robertson
Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Out of the Ashes
Dick Couch & George Galdorisi & Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik
Tom Clancy's Op-Center (13)