Explaining Understanding: New Perspectives From Epistemology ...
Stephen R. Grimm & Christoph Baumberger & Sabine Ammon
Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition: An Anthology
Robert C. Scharff & Val Dusek
The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas
Matthew Levering & Marcus Plested
The Crusades
David Nicolle
An Oresteia: Agamemnon by Aiskhylos; Elektra by Sophokles; Orestes ...
Anne Carson
Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time
Tim Maudlin
Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Theory
Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science
Hermann Weyl
Philosophy of Mathematics
Øystein Linnebo
Philosophy of Language
Scott Soames
A Philosophy of Culture: The Scope of Holistic Pragmatism
Morton White
Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline
Bernard Williams & Bernard Arthur Owen Williams
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature: Thirtieth-Anniver[..] ...
Richard Rorty
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages
M. de (maurice) Wulf
Philosophical Logic
John P. Burgess
Philosophical Essays - Volume1
The Philosopher: A History in Six Types
Justin E. H. Smith
Pessimism: Philosophy, Ethic, Spirit
Joshua Foa Dienstag
On Theology and Psychology: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung ...
C. G. Jung & Adolf Keller
On the Future: Prospects for Humanity
Martin Rees
On Human Nature
Roger Scruton
On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
Samuel Fleischacker
Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism?: On the Uses and Abuses of ...
Jacob Golomb & Robert S. Wistrich