Television Dialogue: The Sitcom Friends vs. Natural Conversation
Paulo Quaglio
Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt
Philosophy of Biology: A Contemporary Introduction
Alex Rosenberg & Daniel W. McShea
Flowers For Algernon
Daniel Keyes
Describing Morphosyntax: A Guide for Field Linguists
Thomas E. Payne & Thomas Edward Payne
Keepers of the Garden
Dolores Cannon
Jesus and the Essenes
Five Lives Remembered
The Convoluted Universe: Book One
The Convoluted Universe: Book One (1)
The Convoluted Universe: Book 3
The Convoluted Universe: Book One (3)
The Convoluted Universe Book Four
The Convoluted Universe: Book One (4)