John Locke: Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung
Bernd Ludwig & Michaela Rehm
The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
Cambridge Companion To Philosophy
Building Hypermedia APIs With HTML5 and Node
Michael Amundsen
Idiom Translation in the Financial Press: A Corpus-based Study
Despoina Panou
Semantic Methods for Execution-Level Business Process Modeling: ...
Ingo M. Weber
A Concise Introduction to Linguistics
Bruce M. Rowe & Diane P. Levine & Brian M. Rowe
Concepts of Programming Languages
Robert W. Sebesta
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
Randal E. Bryant & David R. O'Hallaron
Computer Graphics With Open GL
Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker & Warren R.. Carithers
Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology, Security, and Architecture
Thomas Erl & Eric Monroy
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics
Glyn James