Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Smart Technology and Natural ...
Thanaruk Theeramunkong & Rachada Kongkachandra & Thepchai Supnithi & Narit Hnoohom & Pokpong Songmuang & Kiyota Hashimoto & Mahasak Ketcham
A Visit to India, China, and Japan in the Year 1853
Bayard Taylor
The Ecology of Language Evolution
Salikoko S. Mufwene
The Scofield Study Bible
C. I. Scofield & Doris W. Rikkers
Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy
Brad Inwood & Jon Miller
Developing Apps With Gpt-4 and Chatgpt: Build Intelligent Chatbots, ...
Olivier Caelen & Marie-Alice Blete
Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps: From Concept to Implementation ...
Jason Strimpel & Maxime Najim