Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques, and ...
Matthew O. Ward & Georges Grinstein & Daniel Keim
Beyond the Subject
Gianni Vattimo
The Case Against Impeaching Trump
Alan M. Dershowitz
Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation
Rupert Sheldrake
DE-HUMAN: Essays on the DeGrowth, DeCarbon and DeCrypto War ...
Joe Doran
The War for Natural Humanity (2)
White Mars - Or, The Mind Set Free A 21st-Century Utopia
Brian Aldiss & Roger Penrose
Virtually Human
Martine Rothblatt
The Truth About Men
Ian K. Smith, M.D.
The Ten Things You Can't Say in America
Larry Elder
Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook
Nikolas Coupland & Adam Jaworski
Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence Inside ...
Gordon Thomas
Revolutionary Dissent: How the Founding Generation Created the ...
Stephen D. Solomon
The Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov: Towards a Reassessment
Jonathan Sutton
Piaget, Critique and Reassessment
David Cohen
The Men We Became: My Friendship With John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert T. Littell
Lying Evolutionary Art
David Cloud
Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind
Tim Groseclose
The Intelligent Conversationalist
Imogen Lloyd Webber
Information, Social Relations, and the Economics of High Technology
Michael Perelman
Infancy and Epistemology
George Butterworth
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus ...
Donald Robertson
Hitler's Art Thief
Susan Ronald
A Hindu Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion
Arvind Sharma
The Future of War
George Friedman & Meredith Friedman
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century
J. L. Price