Sigmund Freud: A Life From Beginning to End (Biographies of ...
Hourly History
The Scientific Revolution: An Encyclopedia
William E. Burns
The Encyclopedia of World Religions
Robert S. Ellwood
Stalking the Wild Pendulum
Itzhak Bentov
I Can't Believe You Just Said That - the Truth About Why People ...
Danny Wallace
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
Noah Gift & Jeremy Jones
Python for Finance
Yves Hilpisch
Python for Excel
Felix Zumstein
Python for Data Analysis
Wes McKinney
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working With ...
Jacob T. Vanderplas & Jake Vanderplas
Jake Vanderplas
Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with ...
VanderPlas, Jake
Python and R for the Modern Data Scientist
Rick J. Scavetta & Boyan Angelov
Python & XML
Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake Jr
Programming Kubernetes
Michael Hausenblas
Production-Ready Microservices: Building Stable, Reliable, Fault-Tolerant ...
Susan J. Fowler
Production Kubernetes: Building Successful Application Platforms
Josh Rosso & Rich Lander & Alex Brand & John Harris
Practical RDF
Shelley Powers
Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality
Susan E. McGregor
Practical Natural Language Processing: A Pragmatic Approach ...
Sowmya Vajjala & Bodhisattwa Majumder & Harshit Surana & Anuj Gupta
PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web
Lorna Jane Mitchell
PayPal APIs: Up and Running
Matthew A. Russell
PayPal APIs Up and Running
Michael Balderas
Network Troubleshooting Tools
Joseph Sloan