Wolff of Wall Street
Ernst Wolff
They Walked with Jesus
Dolores Cannon
Individualism in Modern Thought: From Adam Smith to Hayek
Lorenzo Infantino
Express.js in Action
Evan Hahn
Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong
Jerry A. Fodor
Mathematical Analysis Fundamentals
Agamirza E. Bashirov
Marine Rudders and Control Surfaces: Principles, Data, Design ...
Anthony F. Molland & Stephen R. Turnock
Marine Propellers and Propulsion
John Carlton
Managing Archives: Foundations, Principles and Practice
Caroline Williams
Managing Academic Libraries: Principles and Practice
Susan Higgins
The Linear Algebra Survival Guide: Illustrated with Mathematica®
Fred Szabo
Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering: with Applications ...
Howard Ted Davis & Kendall T. Thomson
Knowledge Management in Libraries: Concepts, Tools and Approaches
Mohammad Nazim & Bhaskar Mukherjee
Joy of Finite Mathematics
Chris Tsokos & Rebecca D Wooten
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: A Deterministic ...
Stephen Garrett
An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables
L. Hormander
Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms
Rajkumar Buyya & Amir Vahid Dastjerdi
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
James D. Wright
Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber Physical Applications
D. Jude Hemanth & B. B. Gupta & Mohamed Elhoseny & Swati Vijay Shinde
Information Visualization: Perception for Design - 4th Edition
Colin Ware
Infinitesimal Methods of Mathematical Analysis
J S Pinto & R. F. Hoskins
Handbook of Mathematical Economics - Volume 3
Kenneth Joseph Arrow & Michael D. Intriligator
Handbook of Mathematical Economics - Volume 2
Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical ...
Howard E. A. Tinsley & Steven D. Brown & Howard Tinsley