Corpus-Based Studies of Translational Chinese in English-Chinese ...
Richard Xiao & Xianyao Hu
The Art of Prompt Engineering With ChatGPT: A Hands-On Guide
Nathan Hunter
A Carpenter's Life as Told by Houses by Larry Haun
Larry Haun
LNAI 8625 - Controlled Natural Language
Tobias Kuhn & Brian Davis & Kaarel Kaljurand
Mathematical Foundations of Game Theory
Rida Laraki & Jérôme Renault & Sylvain Sorin
Universitext (1)
Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität: Texte aus dem Nachlass ...
Edmund Husserl & Kern
Yearbook of Morphology 2001
G. E. Booij & Jaap van Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 2000
Geert Booij & Jaap Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1999
Yearbook of Morphology 1998
Yearbook of Morphology 1997
Yearbook of Morphology 1996
Yearbook of Morphology 1995
G.E. Booij & Jaap van Marle
Yearbook of Morphology 1994
Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W.V. Quine
Donald Davidson & Jaakko Hintikka
Willing and Unwilling: A Study in the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer
J. P. Young
Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit: Texte aus dem Nachlass (1893–1912)
Edmund Husserl
Universal Algebra
P. M. Cohn
Understanding Nature: Case Studies in Comparative Epistemology
Hub Zwart
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Part II Life Science, Social Science ...
Mario Bunge
A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volume ...
Michael Lobban
Timing and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology ...
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Theory of Legal Principles
Humberto Avila
Technics and Praxis: A Philosophy of Technology
D. Ihde
Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions
Patrick Saint-Dizier