Hannah Arendt
Simon Swift
The Good Society
Walter Lippmann
Physics and Combinatorics 1999: Procceedings [i.e. Proceedings] ...
Anatol N. Kirillov & Akihiro Tsuchiya & Hiroshi Umemura
Clinical Studies in Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Seymour Boorstein & Kenneth E. Wilber
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica®
Prem K. Kythe & Pratap Puri & Michael R. Schäferkotter
Axiomatic Method and Category Theory
Andrei Rodin
Synthese Library (364)
Epistemology and Psychology of Functions
Jean Piaget & Jean-Blaise Grize & Alina Szeminska & Vinh Bang
Synthese Library (83)
Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology
Jean Piaget & Evert W. Beth
Synthese Library (12)
Recursive Functions and Metamathematics
Roman Murawski
Synthese Library (286)
Approaches to Natural Language
Jaakko Hintikka & Patrick Suppes & J. M. E. Moravcsik
Synthese Library (49)
Shapes of Forms
Liliana Albertazzi
Synthese Library (275)