Language in Literature: Style and Foregrounding
Geoffrey N. Leech
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Karl Marx
Constructing the Hindu Temple in the Purāṇic Age - Dissertation
Elisabeth Raddock
Managing Change
Bernard Burnes
Arabic Language and Linguistics
Reem Bassiouney & E. Graham Katz
Westworld and Philosophy
James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (1)
Game of Thrones and Philosophy
William Irwin
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (65)
Final Fantasy and Philosophy
Jason P. Blahuta & Michel S. Beaulieu
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (24)
House and Philosophy
Henry Jacoby
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (3)